About Dr. Gilber Eyabi
Gilbert has lived in Germany as well as the United States and his native Cameroon. He is involved in establishing a relationship between the cities of Anderson, South Carolina, and Buea, Cameroon.
He believes a math degree opens numerous possibilities in academia and beyond, “from being a lawyer to working as an expert in a bank.

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Anderson University
Bachelor of Science, University of Buea (Cameroon), Mathematics Master of Science, University of Buea (Cameroon), Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy, Clemson University, Mathematics
- Eyabi, G., and Laskar, Renu. 2006. Sum coloring on certain classes of graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. 56: 33-46.
- Eyabi, G., and Laskar, Renu. 2006. Further results on holes in L(2,1)-coloring of graphs. Proceedings of the 37th SE International Congress on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing.
- Eyabi, Gilbert, et al. 2012. Minimal rankings of Cartesian products of complete graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae, Graph Theory 32: 725–735.