IBSH announces that Bakke graduate University (BGU), Dallas, Texas (USA) has become a partner for the PhD program ‘Ph.D. in Innovative Urban Leadership’. Some of the classes of this BGU program will hold onsite at the campus of IBSH in The Hague. For information on the program and onsite classes please contact admin@ibsthehague.nl or visit https://bgu.edu/phd.
The International Business School The Hague
IBSH announces that The International Business School The Hague has become a partner for the PhD program ‘PhD in Leadership in collaboration with Bakke graduate university USA.’. Some of the classes of this BGU program will hold onsite at the campus of IBSH in The Hague. For information on the program and onsite classes please contact admin@ibsthehague.nl or visit https://bgu.edu/phd.