The International Business School The Hague (IBSH)

​Admission Procedure

​Admission Procedure

IBSH is presently in the process of obtaining its status as sponsor (referent) for non-EU / non-EEA students. This means that, at the moment, we cannot apply for student residence permits for non-EU / non-EEA students who want to study in the Netherlands. We can also not accept applications from students who are in the Netherlands with a student residence permit for non-EU / non-EEA students and who want to shift to IBSH.

The International Business School of The Hague enforces a strict admissions procedure to ensure that high quality of the programs are maintained.

​Admission Procedure

Each IBSH application is first reviewed by the Administration Office to validate that all the student information and forms have been properly completed. Should any information be missing or incomplete, the Administration Office will contact the student directly. Once the application is deemed complete it is submitted to the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee assesses each applications and determines the eligibility of each prospective student. Students that are accepted into the program will receive a Letter of Acceptance whereas those that are unsuccessful will receive a Notice of Refusal.

Letter of Acceptance

The Letter of Acceptance is an offer to the student to partake in the duration of the academic program to its completion (3 years +1). A student entering the second or third year of a program does not need another Letter of Acceptance.

Notice of Refusal

In the unfortunate event that a prospective student receives a Notice of Refusal, they are given a further opportunity to appeal the Selection Committee’s decision to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has the authority to overturn the Selection Committee’s decision should special merit be given to the student.  The process for appealing a decision is contained within the Notice of Refusal.