About Beatrice Eyong Enege
Beatrice graduated with a Master of Science in Agricultural Extension in 1997 from the University of Reading, United Kingdom. She has 30 years professional experience and specialise in gender responsive budgeting, gender and peace building, training programme development, micro finance, agricultural extension and management of extension staff. Beatrice currently works with the United Nations.

Member of Advisory Board
MSc. in Agricultural Extension University of Reading, the United Kingdom, 1996-1997 Diploma in tropical agriculture Technical School of Agriculture-Bambili, Cameroon, 1983-1985 Diploma in Integrated Rural Development concentrating on Project Planning and management, Pan African Institute for Development West Africa, Buea-Cameroon, 1990-1991 Diploma in Women, Extension workers and Agriculture, Larenstein International Agricultural collegeDeventer, the Netherlands, 1993-1994
Papers written (not published)
Designing an appropriate extension system for landless women farmers in the South West Province of Cameroon presented to the University of Reading, United Kingdom-September 1997
Designing a women’s section for the Sustainable Livestock Foundation presented to the Larenstein International Agricultural College(LIAC) Deventer, the Netherlands-June 1994
Effects and impact of poor water supply on women’s participation in development presented to the PAID-WA Buea, Cameroon-June 1991.
Maximising Success 2005
Prizes and awards:
- Best PAFSAT staff (prize awarded by GTZ ) for 1988 and 1989 consecutively
- Best overall student (prize awarded by PAID-WA) in Women in Development and IRD courses in 1989 and 1991 respectively.
- Best research paper (prize awarded by PAID-WA) in 1991
- Best results for the WEA course Deventer in the Netherlands in 1994