Advance Leadership
Leadership is essential in any kind of organization. The style and quality of leadership determines the culture, effectiveness and efficiency. In this course, you will learn about leadership in general and about your own potential as a leader.

Topics addressed are:
- Introduction to leadership and leadership theories
- Personality and leadership
- Building and managing teams
- Conflict resolution
- Negotiations
- Decision making
At the end of the course you will understand the modern thinking on various aspects of leadership, and you will know your own potential and development as leader.
Participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods used will be lectures, cases and exercises. The classes will be practical and based on lively interaction between the participants.
Practical information:
- Two weeks
- Ten working days
- 3-4 contact hours per day
- Assignments and group activities for self-study
- Offered several times per year – Next course is September 24 – October 4, 2019