Practical information
Advanced Diploma Courses
3 months
Tution Fee: € 3840 Accommodation (optional): € 1500 Health insurance: € 250 euros
The Hague
Intake dates
Throughout the year
Advanced Diploma Business Development
The program will provide applied skills and concepts related to the design of tourism products and management of tourism services. The degree will focus on the development of management and entrepreneurial skills needed for people wishing to assume greater responsibilities within an organization, or for those wishing to start new enterprises.
What is Business Development, why does it exist and how is it positioned and embedded in the organization. Business development is not just about marketing and sales. For some business development simply means prospection, to others it can mean developing a new product or technology, or it can mean investing or divesting in corporate assets.
A single definition is hard to define but it has to do with discontinuing the normal operation of an organization and developing or doing new things that organization did not do before. This can be on product, commercial or corporate level.
Business Development can occur in large corporate and startup situations. But the base for all is equal:
something needs to happen because current operations and market efforts are not giving the long term expected or desired results.

Business development and related Management issues have to be looked at from an integral and holistic perspective. To identify initial understanding of the company core business is essential. From a start, through using the Business Canvas model of Alex Osterwalder, students will get a grasp of recognizing and identifying the core business of the company. From that initial analysis focus on the business development spear points and understanding the Business Development process will help form a basis for the actual process.
By means of the “Lean Startup Method” get an actual feeling about start up business development and bootstrap situations.
Using actual cases, students will be asked to practice their newly gained skills, perform in a pressure cooker environment and present their outcome at a final presentation, using a Dragons Den Setting.