The International Business School The Hague (IBSH)

Health Care Management

Health Care Management

The International Business School The Hague (IBSH) organises a unique short course in healthcare management and a 3-month diploma course aimed at healthcare professionals that want to expand their skills towards the management side of healthcare. These courses are for you if you want to:

  • Learn relevant skills you could apply right away.
  • Improve your chances of landing a new position in healthcare management.
  • Show potential employers that you are serious about working in your chosen field.
  • Acquire skills in leadership and management helpful if you decide to change careers later in life.

The course covers topics in public health and hospital management. Public health addresses national healthcare challenges such as prevalent diseases, health insurance, and healthcare access. Institutional management addresses issues like capacity planning and quality management. The course will also treat the basics of decision-making and risk and quality management.

Topics addressed are:

  • Introduction to public health and healthcare management
  • Quality and risk management and decision-making
  • Planning in healthcare institutions
  • Practical quality management in healthcare institutions: 5S, CQI, and TQM approaches
  • Management plans for specific healthcare situations
  • Case studies and assignments on specific healthcare management topics.

Course Format

  • 3-month diploma format: 3-month diploma courses are tailor-made
    for each participant. The format includes the short course Healthcare Management as a start, a project assignment, and participation
    in various supporting classes. The diploma courses normally start in September or March, though other arrangements can be discussed.
  • 1 or 2-week short course format: The short course can either be taken in a 5-day (2 units per day) or a 10-day (one unit per day) format. Alternative options, like an online format or a course on location can be arranged. 

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